Your Starsign


September 24 - October 22

Today's Horoscope for Thursday January 16th

Get a grip, get cracking and don't let yourself be distracted. In a high vitality frame of mind, you'll have added zest which will bring results. Whatever has been stuck can now be shifted, as long as you keep up the pressure. You will aim to gain a solid reputation and will jealously guard your position. No one will accuse you of lacking courage or being too timid as you push obstacles out of the way. You intend to make your mark. Try not to forget your feelings in order to succeed.

The Weekly Outlook from 13th January

The Full Moon falling across your mid heaven means you will have to find a better balance between your head and your heart. Success in the outer world will not be fulfilling unless you have a settled emotional base. But equally you cannot find all your satisfaction in your intimate environment. Around midweek watch that you're not impatient or even accident-prone. You could end up tripping over your feet if you are in too much of a hurry.

Your Monthly Horoscope for January

Putting down roots and snuggling close in familiar surroundings is always top of your wish list as the New Year opens. There may be tension with a loved one or a fraught situation as in the first week but once over that hurdle you will be keen to lend a helping hand and put your own needs second. Over eating may be a way of compensating for lacks elsewhere but the resulting expansion won't please you. Despite your wish to stay rooted and relax, you will have a project or two after the 6th which require action and attention. Keen to take the lead and ensure those close are following behind, you won't leave any stones unturned in your push to make progress. Those close may complain you are coming across as bossy but your direct approach will cut through confusion and prove successful even if you do ruffle a few feathers midmonth. After the 19th you'll be out on the social trail, keen to make your mark. Try not to be overly possessive with loved ones or demand too much attention. Tread lightly and you'll end up smiling broadly.

and Next Month's Horoscope for February

In your element with a sociable, outgoing and fun-loving Aquarius Sun in place till the 18th, you'll be aiming for enjoyment and entertainment. Loved ones will rally round to show their appreciation so you won't go short of company. Playing spontaneously will come more easily than following orders or trudging through chores. The affectionate support of a close partner will be there for you and your knack of making everyone you meet feel special will do wonders for your popularity. Your ambitions will not get forgotten amongst all this jollity and in the second week you'll be pushing determinedly ahead. A surprise turn of events on the money from will require that you take a deep breath and be sensible before dashing into action. After midmonth you will settle into a dutiful, hard-working few weeks. Putting as much attention towards staying fit as you do towards cracking on through essential tasks will be wise.

Year Ahead 2025

Finding balance is your ideal but the way to achieve your goal often means you swing from extreme to the opposite in an effort to get a foothold on that treasured middle ground. Continuing changes from last year mean you will be keen to make your mark socially and focusing attention on close relationships to ensure loved ones stay close at hand. Try not to come on too strong or be overly possessive. Certain relationships will move through a cool phase where loyalty will mean more than passionate affection. At times duty will interfere with pleasure as heavier responsibilities land on you. At other times you may find those close evasive or uncertain, not willing to commit to your plans and wishes. Be sympathetic since they may be in a different place in their lives with their own concerns. The good bonds will strengthen through challenging times. You?ll be opening your mind to alternative beliefs and opinions as you start a longish process of adjusting your outlook and attitudes to fit in with the new circumstances of your life. The adventurous ideas and hopes you have in the first half year can be put into practice after June and success should crown your efforts with almost everything you tackle bringing good results. Taking time out for private reflection will also be essential as part of your balancing act. The September Eclipse will prompt you to be inward looking and gain perspective on the past as a way of finding the best route forward.