Benjamin Netanyahu – stands accused



Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been indicted for bribery, fraud and breach of trust in three separate cases by the Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit. The decision comes after three years of investigations, and marks the first time in Israel’s history that an attorney general has announced an indictment for bribery against an incumbent prime minister. Netanyahu is refusing to resign, and blustering about political persecution a month before the election. Haaretz, the liberal Israeli newspaper describes him as “A greedy miser who is moved by an unstoppable lust for power.”

Born 21 October 1949 10.15 am (rectified) Tel Aviv, he’s a New Moon in Libra square a 2nd house Jupiter in materialistic Capricorn; with a wide Mars Pluto in Leo conjunction in his dogmatic 9th house; and a slippery Neptune Mercury in his 10th.

He’s panicking more than his ebullient response might suggest with tr Neptune opposition his Saturn and his Solar Arc Uranus exactly now, which repeats later in the year; and the Solar Arc Uranus will conjunct his Saturn exactly in about four months time which will provide a mighty jolt. With worse to follow in late 2020 as Solar Arc Saturn square his Mars for a disastrous setback.

Plus he now has tr Saturn moving through his less successful, lower profile first quadrant for several years ahead, which for ambitious politicians is often a time of mis-steps and banana skins.

More than any other politician he has come to represent the face of Israel on the world stage. Even if he wins against the backdrop of these charges, his eventual departure in ignominious circumstances will be a shock.

3 thoughts on “Benjamin Netanyahu – stands accused

  1. Why did it take so long was my immediate thought on reading this news. Netanyahu’s sleazy financial dealings have been known about for a long time. In fact I am amazed he has got away with it for so long.

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